Commoner NPCsThis vague and varied template for a commoner is intended to provide a way to quickly create well-rounded commoners in a medieval or fantasy setting. If you wish to create NPCs quickly, look for the parts that state "or roll" and roll a few times until you get something that fits and adds up to the right point value total. The point here isn't at all to create optimized NPCs who are experts in their field. They should come out competent and with other advantages, disadvantages, and skills to make them interesting individuals, to an extent. I intended this to be a good starting point for more professions. You should be able to simply add more primary packages to extend this template. Sometimes, this template results in a character which exceed his/her disadvantage limit because of lowered stats. In this case, either decide by GM fiat that this is OK, or just add another 5 points of advantages and make a 40 point character. I picked 35 points because it made a good average adult starting point, but many adults would reasonably be higher. Commoner template [35]Choose either ST +1 [10], HT +1 [10], or one of DX +1 [20] or IQ +1 [20] and ST -1 [-10] or HT -1 [-10], total of 10 points. or roll d6 1) ST +1, 2) HT +1, 3) DX +1, ST -1, 4) DX +1, HT -1, 5) IQ +1, ST -1, 6) IQ +1, HT -1 Choose 5 points from Lifting ST +1 [3], Striking ST +1 [5], HP +1 [2], Will +1 [5], Per +1 [5], FP +1 [3], but do not raise any secondary attribute above 11. or roll d6 among above, 1 or 2) add HP +1, 3) roll d6: 1-3 add Lifting ST +1, 4 - 6) add FP +1 Choose 10 points from Animal Friend 1 [5], Artificer 1 [10], Attractive [4], Acute Sense +1 - +2 [2/4] (do not raise sense above 12), Charisma 1 [5], Fearlessness 1-2 [2/4], Fit [5], Gifted Artist 1 [5], Green Thumb 1 [5], Hard to Kill 1 [2] (if HT is 9-10), Hard to Subdue 1 [2] (if HT is 9-10), High Manual Dexterity 1 [5] (if DX is 10), Less Sleep 1-2 [2/4], Musical Ability 1 [5], Night Vision 1-2 [1-2], Outdoorsman 1 [5], Rapid Healing [5] (if HT is 10-11), Single-Minded [5], Versatile [5], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Deep Sleeper [1], Honest Face [1] or roll d6 to pick a group, and roll again in that group below: 1) roll #1, 2) roll #2, 3) roll #3, 4) roll #4, 5-6) roll #5
Choose -10 points from Skinny [-5], Unattractive [-4], Odius Personal Habits [-5], Native low literacy [-1 to -3], Debt [-1 to -5], Addiction [-5], Bad Temper (15) [-5], Bully (15) [-5], Callous [-5], Chummy [-5], Compulsive Carousing (12/15) [-5/-3], Compulsive Gambling (12/15) [-5/-3], Compulsive Generosity (12/15) [-5/-3], Confused (15) [-5], Cowardice (15) [-5], Curious (12/15) [-5/-3], Delusion (Minor/Quirk) [-5/-1], Easy to Kill 1 [-2], Extra Sleep 1 [-2], Fearfulness 1-2 [-2/-4], Gullibility (15) [-5], Ham-Fisted [-5], Hidebound [-5], Honesty (15) [-5], Impulsiveness (15) [-5], Incurious (12/15) [-5/-3], Innumerate [-5], Klutz [-5], Loner (12/15) [-5/-3], Miserliness (15) [-5], Oblivious [-5], Overconfidence (12/15) [-5/-3], Phobia (12) [-5], Selfish (12/15) [-5/-3], Short Attention Span (15) [-5], Shyness (Mild) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness (12/15) [-5/-3], Unfit [-5], Workaholic [-5], Quirk or roll d6 to pick a group, and then roll again in that group below:
Chose one primary package [15]:Merchant: Merchant IQ/A - IQ+2 [8], Accounting IQ/H - IQ [4], Administration IQ/A - IQ-1 [1], Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ [2] Farmer: Farming IQ/A - IQ+1 [4], Animal Handling IQ/A - IQ+1 [4], Merchant IQ/A - IQ [2], Naturalist IQ/H - IQ-1 [2], Survival Per/A - Per-1 [1], Teamster IQ/A - IQ-1 [1], Veterinary IQ/H - IQ-2 [1] Servant: Housekeeping IQ/E - IQ+2 [4], one of [4] plus one at -1 [2] plus one at -2 [1]: Administration IQ/A - IQ+1 [4] or Cooking IQ/A - IQ+1 [4] or Teaching IQ/A - IQ+1 [4] or Accounting IQ/H - IQ [4] or Writing IQ/A - IQ+1 [4] or Teamster IQ/A - IQ+1 [4] or Sewing DX/E - DX+2 [4], Savior-Faire (Servant) IQ/E - IQ+2 [4] Guard: Any one of plus one at -1 out of Crossbow DX/E - DX+2 [4] or Axe/Mace, Bow, Broadsword, Shortsword or Spear DX/A - DX+1 [4]; Any one of plus one at -1 out of Brawling, Fast-Draw (any), Knife or Shield DX/E - DX+1 [2], Streetwise IQ/A - IQ [2], Observation Per/A - Per-1 [1], Area Knowledge IQ/E - IQ [1], Body Language Per/A - Per-1 [1], Detect Lies Per/H - Per-2 [1] Labourer: Lifting HT/A - HT+1 [4], Carpentry IQ/E - IQ+2 [4], Packing IQ/A - IQ [2], Masonry IQ/E - IQ+1 [2], Hiking HT/A - HT [2], Engineer (Digging) IQ/H - IQ-2 [1] Miner: Engineer (Mining) IQ/H - IQ-1 [2], Prospecting IQ/A - IQ+2 [8], Carpentry IQ/E - IQ [1], Lifting HT/A - HT [2], Packing IQ/A - IQ-1 [1], Axe/Mace DX/A - DX-1 [1] Craftsman: Professional Skill IQ/A - IQ+3 [12] or Professional Skill DX/A - DX+3 [12] or Jeweler IQ/H - IQ+2 [12] or Artist IQ/H - IQ+2 [12], Leatherworking DX/E - DX+1 [2] or Carpentry IQ/E - IQ+1 [2] or Masonry IQ/E - IQ+1 [2] or Artist IQ/H - IQ-1 [2], Merchant IQ/A - IQ-1 [1] Healer: Esoteric Medicine Per/H - Per+2 [12], Naturalist IQ/H - IQ-1 [2], Gardening IQ/E - IQ [1] Healer (Magical): Magery 0 [5] (may have Magery 1 [+10] or Magery 1 (Healing only -40%) [+6] under Advantages, above), Lend Energy IQ/H - IQ+Magery-2 [1], Lend Vitality IQ/H - IQ+Magery-1 [2], Awaken IQ/H - IQ+Magery-2 [1], Minor Healing IQ/H - IQ+Magery [4], First Aid IQ/E - IQ+1 [2] Choose one secondary skill [2]:Also, choose three supplemental skills (at -1) [3]:Or roll d6 to choose a group below (reroll 5 or 6), then roll d6 to choose one from the group. #1: Brawling DX/E - DX+1 [2], Knife DX/E - DX+1 [2], Shortsword DX/A - DX [2], Axe/Mace DX/A - DX [2], First Aid IQ/E - IQ+1 [2], Musical Instrument IQ/H - IQ-1 [2] #2: Occultism IQ/A - IQ [2], Poetry IQ/A - IQ [2], Riding DX/A - DX [2], Singing HT/E - HT+1 [2], Sleight of Hand DX/H - DX-1 [2], Swimming HT/E - HT+1 [2] #3: Tracking Per/A - Per [2], Acting IQ/A - IQ [2], Carousing HT/E - HT+1 [2], Carpentry IQ/E - IQ+1 [2], Cooking IQ/A - IQ [2], Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ [2] #4: Fishing Per/E - Per+1 [2], Gambling IQ/A - IQ [2], Gardening IQ/E - IQ+1 [2], Naturalist IQ/H - IQ-1 [2], Armoury IQ/A - IQ [2], Artist IQ/H - IQ-1 [2] Sample Servant [35]ST 10, DX 10, IQ 11 [20], HT 9 [-10]
Single-Minded [5], Less Sleep 2 [4], Honest Face [1]
Housekeeping IQ/E - IQ+2 13 [4]
Sample Merchant [35]ST 9 [-10], DX 11 [20], IQ 10, HT 10
Honest Face [1], Charisma 1 [5], Less Sleep 2 [4]
Merchant IQ/A - IQ+2 12 [8]
Sample Farmer [35]ST 10, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 11 [10]
Native language (Native/Accented) [-1]
Farming IQ/A - IQ+1 11 [4]
Sample Guard [35]ST 10, DX 11 [20], IQ 10, HT 9 [-10]
Alcohol Tolerance [1], Hard to Kill 1 [2], Hard to Subdue 1 [2], Acute Hearing 1 [1], Night Vision 2 [2], Fearlessness 1 [2]
Spear DX/A - DX+1 12 [4]
Sample Magical Healer [35]ST 10, DX 10, IQ 11 [20], HT 9 [-10]
Magery 1 (Healing only -40%) [11], Acute Taste/Smell 2 [4]
First Aid IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Lend Energy IQ/H - IQ+Magery-2 10 [1]
Site by Daniel Nash
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The material presented here is my original creation, some intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.